Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My 6:45am Yoga Experience

My alarm went off at 6:15am so I could attempt to make it to my 6:45am yoga class (I have failed at this many times before.) I always have to contemplate why or why not I should get from under the covers. (That's kind of how I felt the day after Thanksgiving morning, for those of you who know that story...) I weighed the pros and the cons, and there just weren't enough pros to get me out of my warm bed.) With that being said, I had a lot of pros for yoga. 1) I had an 8:10am class, if I was not at yoga I would have just be taking a quick nap before I took a long shower and got ready. 2) People who do yoga have yoga bodies. I would love a "yoga body" in the future. 3) It would be a great start to my day. 4) I probably would not devote time to workout later in the day. So that was enough! The only con was I would like to stay asleep, but then I faced my first pro again. I left the house at about 6:40am, and pulled up to the TREC to find a million cars! No parking! No close spots in the back and the lot was full in the front. In the cold, I resulted in parking across the street in another dorms loading zone. The TREC was packed! You would think it was January 2nd and everyone was just getting into their New Years Resolutions, but it was January 26th... hadn't people given up on theirs by now?

Walked in the class at about 7:00am... I know, late to any workout class is bad.; yoga just seemed a little worse. The instructor's voice was so soothing as she said, "Turn your hips towards the windows, like headlights on car." It was definitely enjoyable. I felt energized, challenged, and motivated to learn the new poses. In yoga they always tell you how to increase the intensity, "try _____ for an added challenge, " she always said. I was even motivated to do that. The best part is the last 5 minutes and you lay on the mat and just relax. Really relax as you tense up your muscles and let it all go!

Then I rushed home and made it to my 8:10am class. I still feel the stretch in my shoulders as I type this. I can see myself doing yoga and pilates when I'm older. I'm sure in a few years there will be another trendy class to take. It kind of was with me all day. It was like I had myself on the back for waking up to exercise.

Really it doesn't matter what I did, it wasn't the yoga. Waking up early and getting things accomplished makes you feel good. It makes you feel like a productive member of society! Yes, sleeping in feels great, and occasionally a day of rest and relaxation is needed. Sadly, relaxation feels the best after a long day of work. Whether you wake up early for prayer, homework, meditation, laundry, or yoga use your head start for productivity... and so will I.


  1. Very good post! People would be amazed at how much they could get accomplished before noon if they stop sleeping in.

    It's done wonders for my own I just gotta start doing this workout stuff!

  2. This is good.....I usually get up pretty early but only because I have class and then I ususally come back and take a nap.So i need to work on that.... But I have started working out everyday! Im up to running two miles!

  3. You make a great point. I have weighed the pros & cons every single morning (including this morning) since my internship started (Jan 4th! lol).

    You should try the yoga class (Phys Edu 254). 1 hr C/NC class but it's def worth it because you learn so much. It's kinda cool too. Everyone brings their own candles and all the lights are out and it's pure relaxation. Yes, the corpse pose was my fav too (laying down just relaxing). A pro about that is, you basically have to go; so, you have no excuses about missing classs. Another pro is, you actually learn yoga and can work on the "yoga body" in your spare time at home.
